
Elena Tagliapietra

Art Statement

Italian artist who creates art through performances. She transforms human bodies in paintings by enhancing their unique identity, through live performances. The bodies, often painted, become the genuine expression of her ideas. The final process is capturing the moments through installations. The emotions of performers is a fundamental part of the final art work.

Tagliapietra is searching for a deeper meaning in ordinary things, seeking the beauty and intensity of our existence. Her art examines the symbolic relationships between human mind and the natural environment, traditions and culture.

“I create art as a necessity that comes from my stomach and from my most intimate thoughts.” E.T.

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“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”


Photography becames performative art when an author such as Elena Tagliapietra uses the technique to make a static image an artistic thought that usually is moving in motion. Tagliapietra is a perfomer artist, body painter, video artist who seeks to stop and make tangible the work she usually does with/on bodies. Photographs make textures and vibrations through intense silent communication. Transforming the body through movement, light and translation into other artistic languages is the synthesis of the art of Elena Tagliapietra. The body is painted and then turns into a moving sign. The final job of her work is capturing performance moments, reinterpreting stories through photos and videos.

Roberto Mutti

On all the poetry, which shines through every performance, every photo, every video, every NFT which is the soul of Elena Tagliapietra, who with sensitivity and strength confronts the viewer with the many facets of the contemporary world, but also with herself. himself and his own awareness.

“In a world too full of lights, they often end up in the dark” where the real protagonists are not so much the bodies but the “TransAnimAzione”, an ancient term used by the artist to indicate the transformation of the soul through the performative action.

The art of this artist is born from the intensity of the language of the human body, its tensions and movements, from the dynamic and expressive force that signs and colors light up. Her artistic research is centered on narrating man, or rather the “Souls” of men, addressing various issues such as the relationship with the environment and architectural interventions, which can enrich or distort; violence against women and human loneliness, together with the lack of justice that leaves people without a voice. Social themes are intertwined with those dedicated to giving light to the beauty of the human body, transforming it into instant symbolic statues, in opposition to the commodification of the contemporary era.

Alessandra Cusinato

Our Mission

Mission & values

Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra. Etiam eleifend ultricies nulla, in viverra velit. Praesent ac nisl volutpat, eleifend neque in, ultrices dui. Sed sagittis eu purus et pretium. Fusce et molestie tellus.

Our History


Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra. Etiam eleifend ultricies nulla, in viverra velit. Praesent ac nisl volutpat, eleifend neque in, ultrices dui. Sed sagittis eu purus et pretium. Fusce et molestie tellus.

The new guild
